Solace Secure: Specialist Travel Risk Management Software

Ensure your teams’ safety no matter where in the world they are. From mitigating risks to providing crisis support, we safeguard your journeys worldwide.

Solace Secure platform on laptop and phone

Reasons to Book Your Solace Secure Demo

Expert Guidance: Our team of experts will walk you through the platform, answer your queries and help you maximise the use of our features.

Risk-Free Evaluation: A demo allows you to evaluate Solace Secure without commitment, ensuring it’s the perfect fit for your organisation.

See the Difference: Witness how Solace Secure stands out from other travel risk management solutions with unrivalled client support from our expert team of specialists to help support robust security strategies.

professional woman sitting in office and looking at cell phone

Fulfill your duty of care to employees with our travel risk management platform – Solace Secure

Backed by a 24/7/365 Global Security Operations Centre, real-time alerts and check-in functions, your security managers can quickly identify a crisis, confirm your people’s safety, and give you the knowledge to make optimised decisions.

crisis management team working

When planning travel:

  • Draw upon timely and accurate security intelligence about global destinations, to make informed decisions that reduce and manage risk.

  • Set custom alerts tailored to your travel policies. Stay informed and deter your people from making travel decisions that could put their safety at risk.

  • Maintain an audit trail of every pre-travel security briefing, so in the unfortunate event of duty of care litigation, your company can prove that risk mitigation measures have been taken before travel.

During the trip:

  • See at-a-glance where in the world your people are (from booked travel right through to entering office locations), along with the latest security information for each location.

  • Stay one step ahead of the news and near real-time alerts about unfolding security threats.

  • Keep relevant, up-to-date information at your fingertips through credible country risk intelligence.
hands holding a phone with solace secure app open