Summary: Recent Somali Pirate Attacks – Maritime Advisory
21 Nov 2017
Six Somalis were apprehended by the Italian navy for suspected piracy. The arrests were made after a container ship and fishing vessel reported an attack on 17 and 18 November 2017. Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) were fired at the vessels during the attack.
Key Points
- Six Somalis were apprehended by the Italian navy for suspected piracy attacks.
- The arrests were made after a container ship and fishing vessel reported an attack on 17 and 18 November 2017.
- Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) were fired at the vessels during the attack.
Maritime: Following Somali pirate attacks, two vessels made reports over 17-18 November 2017, in approximately the same area of the Southern Somali Basin. The first vessel to be attacked was the container ship MV Ever Dynamic, on route from Colombo to Mombasa. The attempted boarding failed, after which weapons were discharged at the ship including the use of RPGs. The attack occurred in position 0155.9S 04756.8E, approximately 363nm from the Somali Coast. The skiff was reported to have approached the vessel up to 1.6nm and four persons were sighted on board. The following day, the fishing vessel Galerna III was attacked at position 0156.0S 04923.0E, approximately 380nm of the Somali Coast. One skiff was reported to have approached the vessel up to 1000 yards. The embarked security team fired warning shots and the skiff moved away. It was advised thereafter by military sources, a Pirate Action Group was operating in the area centred on 0155.9S 04756.8E.
On 19 November 2017, EUNAVFOR released a statement, the Italian ITS Virginio Fasan had apprehended six pirates and seized their vessels; a motor whaler acting as a mother ship and a skiff. The search for the pirates suspected of conducting the attack was coordinated with naval partners operating in the region, in addition to information provided by the masters of the vessels that were attacked. The legal process is now underway for the suspected pirates to be transferred to the appropriate authority for prosecution. The adherence to BMP4 measures, in addition to the presence of the security team on the fishing vessel, led to the avoidance of crew injuries or vessel damages. Both vessels were able to continue on their onward journeys.
Maritime PiracyHighVessels transiting the Indian Ocean High Risk Area should maintain a heightened level of surveillance throughout from Somali pirate attacks. The location of the recent piracy attacks in the southern Somali basin occurs with less frequency than the frequent suspicious approaches reported in the Gulf of Aden and the Bab El Mandeb Strait. However, these attacks have highlighted the continued necessity of BMP4 measures for vessels transiting the region. It is advised all vessels transiting the HRA to proceed with extreme caution and conduct a thorough risk assessment on each voyage. Vessels should ensure all BMP4 measures are in place, with the use of hardening vessel measures, and embarked armed security. Solace Global advise, and have implemented, 24-hour anti-piracy watches on commercial ships operating in this region.