Week 32 – Maritime Security Snapshot

Indian Ocean HRA – Maritime Security Incidents
12 August 18 Mogadishu Port to Operate 24 Hours a Day. In an effort to compete with other ports in the region, authorities in Somalia announced that Mogadishu Port would now be open around the clock for operations. The move is seen as a response to warming Ethiopia-Eritrea ties which may give Ethiopia greater access to Eritrea’s Red Sea ports. 04 August 18: Saudi Arabia to Resume Oil Shipments through Bab el-Mandeb. In a statement, the Saudi state-owned oil company, Aramco, reported that it would resume oil shipments through the Bab el-Mandeb strait after announcing the suspension of such operations on 25 July. The initial suspension came on the back of Yemeni rebel attacks on two of its vessels.Gulf of Guinea – Maritime Security Incidents
14 August 18: Vessel Loses Communication off Libreville Port. A company CSO announced that they had lost all communication with an MV in the vicinity of Libreville Anchorage. 06 August 18: Vessel at Apapa Port Boarded. The duty OS on a berthed container ship at Apapa Port, Lagos, was assaulted when he intervened on spotting that a robber had boarded the vessel.Asia – Maritime Security Incidents
10 August 18: Tug Boarded off Tambisan Island. Several individuals in a speedboat boarded a tug towing a barge underway off Tambisan Island, Sabah. The crew locked all access to the tug and contacted local authorities which dispatched a security vessel. Due to tug hardening, access to accommodation was impossible. Attackers escaped when noticing the approaching security vessel. 10 August 18: Vessel Boarded off the Coast of Sagar Light, India. 10 to 12 robbers came alongside an anchored vessel off the coast of Sagar Light. Two robbers boarded the vessel and escaped after crew noticed their presence. 05 August 18: Attempted Kidnapping off the Coast of Sabah. Armed individuals in a boat approached a group of fishermen off the coast of Felda Sahabat, Sabah. On noticing this, a Malaysian Marine police vessel chased the armed individuals leading to a firefight in which four of the armed individuals were killed. Malaysian authorities stated that fishermen were a target for kidnapping by the armed group. 02 August 18: Vessel Boarded off Kutubdia Anchorage, Bangladesh. Robbers boarded an anchored tanker using a rope with a hook. They managed to steal stores and property before escaping. 02 August 18: Boarding at Tanjung Priok Anchorage, Jakarta. Unnoticed, Robbers boarded a vessel at Tanjung Priok Anchorage, stealing ship engine parts before escaping.Rest of the World – Maritime Security Incidents
12 August 18: Caspian Sea Agreement. The leaders of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan signed a convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea during a summit in Kazakhstan. The convention means a 22-km stretch of water from each country’s shore will be considered sovereign territorial waters. 12 August 18: Vessel Boarded at Santos Anchorage. An anchored vessel was boarded by around four robbers. Crew noticed their presence and raised the alarm. Robbers escaped without stealing anything. 09 August 18: Strikes Disrupt Operations at Lebanon Ports. Striking transport workers disrupted operations at ports across Lebanon in protests of unfair competition and high fuel prices. This is the third recent protest by transportation unions which look set to continue. 05 August 18: Theft from Vessel at Macapa Anchorage, Brazil. Robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier at Macapa Anchorage, escaping unnoticed with ship stores.Click the link to Download PDF: Solace Global Maritime Security Snapshot – Week 32 A roundup of maritime security incidents – an easy to read format collating suspicious approaches, vessel attacks, boardings, hijacks and media reports. The week 32 Maritime Security Snapshot was compiled by Solace Global’s in-house intelligence team.