Week 26 – Maritime Security Weekly Snapshot

Indian Ocean HRA – Maritime Security Incidents
28 June 18: BMP5 Replaced BMP4. Counter piracy and maritime security best practices have been updated, with BMP 5 being issued in response to the evolution of the threat picture in the Indian Ocean High Risk Area. Whilst region specific, a number of the guidelines and measures are applicable to vessels transiting other regions. 23 June 18: Unilateral Humanitarian Ceasefire. Internationally supported Yemeni government forces have conducted a unilateral “pause” in their offensive operations in Al Hudaydah, ostensibly to provide a window for humanitarian relief efforts. Initial estimates suggest a resumption of combat operations in early July, unless a significant breakthrough in negotiations follows. There is a possibility that the UN may seek control over the port as a neutral party to ensure continuing aid supply.Mediterranean – Maritime Security Incidents
25 June – 02 July 18: Over 160 Migrants Rescued off Spain. At least 160 migrants were rescued in a series of operations off the Spanish coast as the so-called “western route” to Europe appears to become more popular with traffickers. This may, in part, be a direct response to Italy’s recent efforts to halt the flow of migrants between itself and Libya. The sea journey between Africa and Spain is also significantly shorter than the Libya-Italy route, although Algeria and Morocco are less permissive to traffickers than the failed Libyan state. This increase in traffic may lead to increased disruption to commercial vessels as SOLAS obligations may force diversions and delays to rescue those in need.Gulf of Guinea – Maritime Security Incidents
01 July 18: Vessel Attacked South of Bonny Island, Nigeria. A vessel came under attack by pirates at 04°08’N 006°57’E, 20 nm from Bonny Island, at 1040hrs. The vessel and crew were later reported safe. Further details of the attack remain unclear.South East Asia – Maritime Security Incidents
27-29 June 18: Joint India-Bangladesh Naval Exercises. India and Bangladesh conducted their first joint naval exercise in the Bay of Bengal. The aim of the exercises were to enhance cooperation and interoperability against maritime crime and militancy in the region. 02 July 18: Human Trafficking Vessel Capsized off Penerang, Malaysia. An overloaded speedboat containing at least 44 illegal immigrants capsized 6nm off the coast of Penerang, southern Malaysia. At least one died, with a further 18 missing. Recovery and law enforcement operations led to an increase in air and marine traffic in the area.General – Maritime Security Incidents
Maritime Global Security. A series of international shipping organisations have launched www.maritimeglobalsecurity.org to act as a repository for resources and information relating to maritime security threats and mitigations strategies around the world. This was launched concurrently with the issue of BMP5 for the Indian Ocean HRA.Click link to Download PDF: Solace Global Maritime Security Snapshot – Week 26 A roundup of maritime security incidents – an easy to read format collating suspicious approaches, vessel attacks, boardings, hijacks and media reports. The week 26 Maritime Security Snapshot was compiled by Solace Global’s in-house intelligence team.