Week 20 – Maritime Security Weekly Snapshot

Indian Ocean HRA – Maritime Security Incidents
18-19 May 18: Tropical Storm Sagar. Tropical storm Sagar moved west across the Gulf of Aden, causing severe sea conditions, before making landfall near Djibouti and Somalia. The official toll has not been confirmed, however several dozen are likely to have been killed across Yemen, Somalia, and Djibouti. Economic difficulties resulting from the storm may result in an increase in pirate activity. “Operation Red Thunder”. The Saudi-led coalition operating in Yemen is presently conducting Operation Red Thunder, a concerted effort to seize control of Al Hudaydah from the Houthi rebels. It is possible that the Houthi may seek to target Saudi and coalition shipping in response to this offensive.Gulf of Guinea – Maritime Security Incidents
19 May 18: Crew Kidnapped near Bonny, Nigeria. An offshore supply vessel was attacked in position 03°54’N 006°42’E, in Okwori field. The attackers destroyed communications equipment and stole crew possessions. Four crew members remain missing, remaining crew unharmed. 19 May 18: Attempted Boarding, Lagos Anchorage. Seven persons sought to board a bulk carrier anchored at 06°26’N 003°23’E, in Lagos Anchorage. Crew members spotted the boarding and raised the alarm. The robbers abandoned their attempted attack. 21 May 18: Attempted Boarding, Lome, Togo. One man sought to board an anchored merchant vessel at 03°46’N 001°30’E, in Lome. A crew member raised the alarm and the robber fled in a skiff with six others onboard.South East Asia – Maritime Security Incidents
Abu Sayyaf Released hostages in Sulu, Philippines. The Abu Sayyaf Islamist group released at least three hostages recently taken in the Sulu region, including two female police officers. It remains unclear if a ransom was paid, or the group submitted to military pressure. 19 May 18: Tanker Boarded near Karimun Kecil, Indonesia. Six men boarded a tanker underway at 01°10’N 103°27’E at the western end of the Singapore Strait. The crew raised the alarm, causing the robbers to flee empty handed. 19 May 18: Theft at Anchor Reported in Merak, Indonesia. Three men carrying knives boarded a merchant vessel anchored at 05°52’S, 106°05’E. A crew member was threatened, whilst the thieves made away with engine room spares.Click link to Download PDF: Solace Global Maritime Security Snapshot – Week 20 A roundup of maritime security incidents – an easy to read format collating suspicious approaches, vessel attacks, boardings, hijacks and media reports. The week 20 Maritime Security Snapshot was compiled by Solace Global’s in-house intelligence team.