Week 18 – Maritime Security Weekly Snapshot

Indian Ocean HRA – Maritime Security Incidents
CTF 151 Seeks to Engage Non-Commercial Seafarers. Combined Task Force 151 has launched an effort to actively engage with non-commercial vessels transiting the HRA. Previous efforts have focused on countering piracy towards commercial shipping, and the new effort is aimed at filling a perceived gap in coverage. Pakistani Vessels Provide Logistical Support. Pakistani warships assigned to CTF 151 reported providing assistance to both a stranded fishing boat with a mechanical issue, and a yacht which ran out of fuel and food due to recent adverse conditions in the region.Gulf of Guinea – Maritime Security Incidents
06 May 18: Attempted Boarding near Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Six persons onboard a skiff attempted to board a merchant vessel at 03°37’N, 006° 16’E. Vessel and crew reported safe.South East Asia – Maritime Security Incidents
06 May 18: Attempted Boarding at Chittagong, Bangladesh. Robbers aboard a small wooden boat boarded a bulk carrier at 22°15’N 091°45’E using a rope and hook. The crew raised the alarm and robbers left the vessel empty handed. 06 May 18: Attempted Robbery at Muara Berau, Indonesia. Robbers aboard a small boat boarded a bulk carrier at 00°14’S 117°34’E. The crew raised the alarm and robbers left the vessel empty handed. 29 Apr 18: Vessel Boarded at Tanjung Berakit, Indonesia. Robbers successfully boarded a heavy lift vessel anchored at 01°25’N, 104°47’E. They broke several stores throughout the vessel, but investigation reported nothing stolen.Click link to Download PDF: Solace Global Maritime Security Snapshot – Week 18 A roundup of maritime security incidents – an easy to read format collating suspicious approaches, vessel attacks, boardings, hijacks and media reports. The week 18 Maritime Security Snapshot was compiled by Solace Global’s in-house intelligence team.