Week 10 – Maritime Security Weekly Snapshot

Gulf of Guinea – Maritime Security Incidents
12 Mar 18: Speedboats Stolen by Armed Group in Bayelsa. A group of armed men attacked the Ayama area of Bayelsa, Nigeria, potentially killing or injuring up to five people. The group fled before security forces could respond, towing approximately ten stolen speedboats. 08 Mar 18: Suspicious Approach near Takoradi Anchorage, Ghana. A merchant vessel underway at 03°55’N 001°14’E was approached by three speedboats. Weapons and six persons sighted on one speedboat. Vessel safe. 06 Mar 18: – Update – Tanker Attacked near Bonny Island, Nigeria. A tanker underway at 04°05’N 006°57’E was approached by two speedboats, the occupants of which boarded the tanker with firearms. All crew took refuge in the citadel, no hostages taken. Pirates departed after damaging navigation and communication equipment. All crew safe.Indian Ocean – Maritime Security Incidents
08 Mar 18: Suspicious Approach in Bab-el-Mandeb. A merchant vessel was approached by three skiffs at 12°32’N 043°27’E, south of Perim Island.South East Asia – Maritime Security Incidents
06 Feb 18: LATE REPORT: Robbery From Anchored Vessel, Chittagong, Bangladesh. A merchant vessel at 22*08’N 091*44’E was boarded by six men who threatened the crew and escaped with ship’s properties. Crew reported safe.Click link to Download PDF: Solace Global Maritime Security Snapshot – Week 10 A roundup of maritime security incidents – an easy to read format collating suspicious approaches, vessel attacks, boardings, hijacks and media reports. The week 10 Maritime Security Snapshot was compiled by Solace Global’s in-house intelligence team.