Viking Link

Solace Global Maritime Support Viking Link Interconnector Project
Project Overview
Viking Link is a 765 km-long interconnector for the British and Danish transmission systems. The main objective is to enable the exchange of renewable electricity between Great Britain and Denmark.
The Challenge: Mitigating Offshore Risk
The Viking Link interconnector faced various risks, ranging from damage to subsea infrastructure, to safety hazards for divers working subsurface. The nature of the threat picture necessitated a robust risk management strategy to safeguard the project’s assets and personnel.
Solace Global Maritime’s Involvement
As an integral part of our offshore risk management plan, we deployed guard vessels to provide enhanced protection for both the subsea cable and the divers working in the vicinity. Additionally, we engaged with relevant stakeholders throughout the project’s lifecycle.
Through the strategic implementation of our offshore risk management plan, Solace Global Maritime successfully protected the Viking Link interconnector.